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Minimum content requirements for the Release Notes
1. Document title and related text     Legal information (copyright, trademarks, disclaimers)
2. Release date
3. Introduction and overview
4. Product and feature changes.
   What's new in the product, with history of changes. This section includes NEW features, CHANGED features, and DELETED features.
5. Definition and a list of each Custom Domain Object (CDO) used in the plug-in has to be provided. If no custom domain objects are created, then the
   document should contain a statement saying, ""The <plug-in name> plug-in does not create any custom data in the Petrel users project.""
6. Manipulated domain objects list: a list of all domain objects manipulated by the plug-in. If no native domain objects are modified by the plug-in, then
   the document should contain a statement saying, ""The <plug-in name> plug-in does not modify any native Petrel data in Petrel users project.""
7. Platform availability: Petrel version against which the plug-in was built.
8. Plug-in version
9. List of known issues  
 - Known limitations and workarounds for them
 - Each workaround must resolve the corresponding issue respectively

Minimum content requirements for the Installation Guide
1. Document title and related text (product name, version; company name/logo)
2. Legal information ( copyright, trademarks, disclaimers)
3. Country of origin
4. License Feature name
5. Support information
6. Public key token
7. Hardware requirements (minimum recommended CPU, RAM, free disk space, graphics card memory, screen resolution, color quality, etc)
8. Software/operating system requirements
9. Required Petrel license features list (as a minimum Petrel Core license is required: G-Core, RE-Core or Combined(G-Core and RE-Core))
10. Specific deployment requirements (if any)
11. Installation procedure:
   Step by step instructions for installation of the plug-in. The appropriate screenshots of the Windows (or PIP) installer to clearly highlight the key screen
   elements used in each step. Explanation each option presented by the installer’s GUI.
12. Uninstallation procedure:
   Step by step instructions for uninstallation of theplug-in. The appropriate screenshots of the Windows (or PIP) uninstaller to clearly highlight the key
   screen elements used in each step. Explanation each option presented by the uninstaller’s GUI.
13. Specific guidelines (if any):
    a. Details on any specific steps required for (un)installation, especially if the (un)installer provides custom installation options for advanced users;
    b. Details on any companion applications installed;

    c. The location of the uninstaller; if that information is not provided in the Windows Add or Remove Programs (or not PIP);
    d. The (un)installer must not require the machine to reboot. Explanations of reasons for reboot after package (un)installation must be provided;
    e. The module dependency information.
14. Description of the (un)installation process results (list of files that were added\modified\deleted\configuration)
    a. List files/folders that were added
    b. List files/folders that were modified
    c. List files/folders that were deleted
    d. Changeable files list (configuration and etc.) if present, have to be placed in a folder where the user has read/write access.  (Petrel installation folder is typically read only!)

Testing Documentation Summary
Proper testing of a plug-in is the Owner's responsibility. Petrel customers must be sure that plug-ins are robust and technically of a high quality. The test documentation should describe all the steps taken to test and will be used by theOcean Store Acceptance Team to judge the suitability of the testing for each specific plug-in, according to its size and scope. It should include as a minimum: 
 - the data set used for testing 
 - a summary of the testing hours completed 
Best practices are to capture metrics (eg bug find rates per tester hour) and monitor these through the testing cycle. 
The Acceptance Team will also make random tests to support their recommendations.

 Include your testing documentation into the submission package as a separate file.