Wednesday, 22nd April, 2020, Schlumberger will be enhancing the security for the Software.SLB and Ocean Store websites by utilizing the new identify management system that leverages Microsoft technology. Due to this change, if you are a current customer, you will be asked to validate your company email address and user password using this new service. Along with the validation, you will be asked to add a multi-factor authentication step.
For more information about this upcoming changes and how to authenticate your details, click the links below to access the Guides.
Registration User Guides
Multi-Factor Authentication - the standard authentication process for the Customer Care Center, Software Support Portal and the Ocean Store
Existing Support Customer - you have an existing login for Software Support or the Ocean Store
New Support Customer - you have not registered before
Pre-Approved Support Customer - you received an invitation to register for Support
How To Guide
Change/Forgot Password - workflow to assist with the Change or Forgot Password process